Welcome to BOPO
Cleveland Heights High School Band and Orchestra Parent Organization
Welcome Instrumental Music Department (IMD) Families
Musical Notes Newsletter
To view the latest copy of the BOPO newsletter, "Musical Notes," handed out at all the concerts, please view the newsletter archive.
Upcoming BOPO Meetings
Learn about upcoming activities, talk to the BOPO members and IMD directors.
Zoom links are shared below, day of meeting and on Facebook.
First Tuesdays at 7:30 PM. Next meeting below.
Miss a meeting? Read the minutes
If you can’t make the meeting and would like to know more about how you can support the IMD at Heights or if you have any questions, reach out to us: president@heightsbopo.org
Parent Communications
Important emails are sent through Infinite Campus messenger and by your student's instructor. The subject line will include "A Message From: Nicholas Marzuola" or "Daniel Heim." Be sure your email is not sending those messages to spam. Messages are from icmessenger@chuh.org.
Key emails are also archived on the Email Announcements page.
Join the BOPO Facebook group
Get Heights High Band Announcements on Your Phone
Choose to receive information in the Remind app or simply by text.
New for 2024-25: Since our original Remind is nearly full and not many more people can join, Dr. Marzuola created a new Remind for this year. Please spread the word!
Dr. Marzuola's: 2024-25 Heights Bands
Alumni and Community Supporters
Subscribe to the BOPO Supporter Email List: Keep up with BOPO and Heights Instrumental Music Department (IMD) after you or your student graduates, or be a supporter from the community. Receive occasional emails about key activities including student concerts, IMD anniversaries, and other events of interest to alumni, their families, and community members who wish to continue their support of the Heights IMD.
Past Events of Note
Centennial Concert: Also read the excellent History of the Heights Instrumental Music Department presented by Susie Kaeser during the concert.
What is BOPO?
BOPO is an organization made up of parents who want to support a great music experience for all the students involved in the Instrumental Music Department (IMD) at Heights High. BOPO provides that support in countless ways.
Parents plan the annual tour, raise funds to significantly reduce the cost for tour and other field trips, provide and help fit uniforms for the marching band and large ensembles, assist at all IMD events (including all home football games), host after concert receptions, and chaperone other events.
BOPO Executive Board
Robert Barr, President
Alicia Evans, Treasurer